
Below is a list of books available for sale. You can use the search field or the sort function (up-down arrows) to find the books you’re looking for. The books are available through Amazon or UBF Press. Each book title includes an embedded link for more information.

Books available on Amazon come in two formats: Kindle and Paperback. UBF Press offers only Paperback versions, which are sold while supplies last.

title author format publication date view count
Jesus Said, "Follow Me" Ron Ward Paperback 2023-02-01 4
Luke's Gospel Samuel C. Lee Kindle 2014-08-01 2
1 Corinthians - Back to the Gospel- Spiritual Help for a Troubled Church UBF Bible Study Committee Kindle 2013-09-01 6
What Does the Bible Say? Paul Rhee Kindle 2023-11-01 5
Jesus is King Samuel C. Lee Kindle 2015-06-01 3
Back to the Bible, from Jesus' Point of View Charles C. Kim Kindle 2014-12-01 6
2 Corinthians – The Ministry of Reconciliation UBF Bible Study Committee Kindle 2013-10-30 6
My Grace is Sufficient for You Yvonne Timlin Paperback 2006-01-01 9
Sarah Barry's Daily Bread Notes - Luke & John Sarah Barry Kindle 2014-01-14 1
Sarah Barry's Daily Bread Notes - Matthew & Mark Sarah Barry Kindle 2014-01-19 0
Sarah Barry's Daily Bread Notes - Pentateuch Sarah Barry Kindle 2014-01-13 0
Discovering Hidden Treasure In the Bible- How to Study the Bible Inductively Mark Yang Kindle 2024-01-18 1
To The Maturity- Journeying in Faith's Unfolding Isaac YongWu Choi Paperback 2024-01-08 1
What Does the Bible Say? Paul Rhee Paperback 2024-02-01 1
title author format publication date view count